Kegs and Cases

Looking to purchase kegs or bulk orders of cans for your restaurant or business? Look no further! Hunga Dunga works in the surrounding area to bring you fresh craft beers and seltzers with accounts as far as Spokane, WA and Lewiston, ID! All our beers and seltzers are canned and kegged in house and delivered through our own delivery service.


1/6 barrel

These barrels are 5.16 gallons and serve about 40 pints


1/2 barrel

These barrels are 15.5 gallons and serve about 143 pints


A case of beer or seltzer, each case contains 24 cans

Contact our in house distributor to inquire about purchasing bulk beer and seltzer!

Interested in getting some for personal use? Stop by for a tasting or contact us here for inquiries!